Where I Write About Halloween and the Dallas Zoo

I think Fitsum officially understands Halloween.  I remember last year and he didn’t have a clue what was going on.  He had on a costume, last year it was Elmo, and he walked up to people’s doors and we went back and did it again.  It is amazing how much he’s learned in a year and how I didn’t have a clue what he thought about us or anything we do.

So this year he was Max, from the book, Where the Wild Things Are.  These are just a couple of photos, but he was incredibly cute.

Then we went to the zoo and that was also pretty awesome.  Last year we went to the Dallas Zoo in January and he didn’t have a clue as to what was going on.  We always thought that he was disinterested in things, but that’s not true at all.  There was just this barrier as to who we were, how we were communicating and trying to figure out what we thought.  We could have been better parents.

Because I am crazy, we got to the zoo as soon as it opened, I think at 9:00 am.  We were worried because Fitsum woke up at 4:30 that morning and we weren’t sure if he was going to make it through the day.  We should never doubt Fitsum’s ability to make it.

He wanted to ride in the stroller. This never happens, so we took advantage of that.

This was merely a second that he wanted to be on the elephants. He had no interest in being on these bronzed animals for very long as you can tell he’s contemplating how he’s going to get down.






And even though it has been two weeks, he can’t stop talking about how he got to ride the cheetah on the carousel. Fitsum misses the zoo.