Sweet Sweet’s 33rd Birthday

Last weekend was Miranda’s birthday and she wanted to go shopping for supplies for her new school room, fabric shopping, lunch at Ali Baba’s and then hanging out at Klyde Warren Park. You should not be surprised to know that there are not any photos of shopping for school supplies or fabric shopping.

We had no extra clothes, but if he’s cool with it, then we’re cool with it.  

My beautiful wife.


This was take-1.  Fitsum still likes to make this an issue.  I also realize now that I should have framed the photograph better, but I didn’t.

And take-two.

Staycation 2014

For the first time in about two years, neither Miranda nor I were going to be with Fitsum for the night. We decided that it was time to spend a night away from Fitsum.  We’re not all that sure about whether or not two years is normal or whether or not a two year time period is appropriate.  We both felt like that if we didn’t take a night away, it might never happen. Thanks to Miranda’s good-thinking, we booked a hotel room at the Magnolia Hotel in downtown Dallas and we were on our way to a day away. As an aside, I decided it would be best for me to mow that morning, so I was on the mower from 7:30 am until 9:45 am, complete with weed eating.  We were to be at my parents’ house at 10:00 am.  It was quite the rush just to fit all of that in before we left.

Our first stop was to Pecan Lodge in Deep Ellum.  When we arrived shortly after 11:00 am, there was already a fairly substantial line and it was already hot outside.  It wasn’t that big of a deal, but it was still pretty darned warm for 11:00 am. We shared lunch, which consisted of some divine brisket, pork ribs and sausage that was fantastic.

Next stop was the Deep Ellum Brewing, Co. We were expecting a real tour of the facilities, but it was really just a guy on a microphone talking about the process of making beer, so that part wasn’t that great. The real fun involved the $15 entry fee, which included a glass and we each received 3 beers. This was more than enough beer and we ended up having a pretty fantastic time talking and people watching.  We don’t get out that much, but we saw a ton of folks that we just don’t normally get to see in Kaufman. As mentioned about waiting in line at Pecan Lodge, the worst thing about this was that it was over 100 degrees that day and we stood and sat in the shadow of what looked like a place to store some water. It was crazy hot, but we still had a good time. This would be pretty stinking awesome in the fall when the weather is a bit cooler.  We talked to some guys that were in college and speaking for myself, I felt old.

We arrived at the Magnolia Hotel. We were on the 21st floor and the views were pretty amazing.

Later that night, we had dinner reservations for Hattie’s in the Bishop Arts District. We’ve lived our entire lives in Dallas area for the most part and neither one of us had ever been to this area. This was the appetizer, fried green tomatoes and a crab cake.

This is Miranda and I’m a lucky guy.

This is the rest of dinner, which was fantastic.

Pretty cool.

It’s All In The Eyes

The difference is amazing.   After two short years, you look at me to take a picture.  You’ve never trusted me with your eyes.  You’ve always looked away.  Even now, you look away from me.  And don’t get me wrong.  It’s okay. I understand. I still have to earn your trust.  We’re not done bonding just yet.  This really though was typical of what we could expect when asking you to smile at me to take a photo.  You always looked down and you always looked away


That is until recently.  You look me in the eyes and you smile at me and it makes me happy.  This happened within a week.  

You smiled at me. You posed for me and that’s a really good thing.  You can see those teeth and you can see your smile.  As an aside, the legos on the chair are what you call “RejectaBots” and it is from the movie Wall*E.  One day, we decided that we would build RejectaBots and so you did.  

The first and most current photo is from earlier this week where we had, of all things, the most pleasant two days in the month of July that I can ever recall.  The temperature was in the 80’s and we sat outside and watched you play for two days.  You played in the mud and the dirt and you smiled at me.

It Rained, So We Have a Mud Pit

It rained the other day, which means that the dirt pit has become a mud pit, which makes Fitsum even happier.  Truly, he loves to play in dirt and mud.

As you can see, he has decorated his rock wall with mud because that’s what he likes.  He adds the mud and dirt there purposely.  One day, I’ll have to ask him why he likes to do this. For now, it’s pretty cool.